Monday, April 19, 2010

MAP testing...

MAP testing, what is MAP testing you might ask?  Well, it stands for Missouri Assessment Program.  It is Missouri's lovely standardized test.  See, fun stuff, knew I would have you hooked.  During my education all I have heard about is MAP testing and No Chid Left Behind.  I will save my thoughts on NCLB for another day and just stick to MAP today.

While student teaching and during other practicum hours I have seen how "important" MAP is.  I heard the words "on the MAP..." daily even during fall observation hours.  Really, should the education of our children revolve only around a test?  The only time I did not have to hear the horrid phrase was when I was student teaching in the second grade.  MAP testing does not begin until 3rd grade.  Heavenly.  While in second grade I was able to go beyond the GLEs (grade-level expectations that the MAP revolves around) and actually dig into different subjects.  Guess what the students had FUN and LEARNED at the same time.  

When my 8 weeks in 2nd grade were over I moved on up to middle school.  BOY OH BOY, totally different world.  Things are different, especially since MAP was fast approaching.  Did we get to make any FUN lessons?  NOPE, we are forced to drill information for MAP testing into the student's heads.  FUN FUN, Buckle Down books and Study Island.  While I think these two resources are AWESOME for preparing for MAP testing, I must say I can think of other projects that would be more fun and challenging for the students.  

Please don't think I am bashing the teachers...this is NOT their faults!  Actually, after MAP testing the teacher's in the middle school I am in have projects that the students get to do.  These projects actually remind me of my days in middle school when we were having fun but learning at the same time.  They have to save these projects until after MAP because, well, we have to pound MAP into the kid's heads.  I look forward to the fun projects.  The students will be learning life skills.  How to research, cite sources, public speaking, use creativity, etc etc!  You know, things they will actually need when they go to college and in the real world.

Now back to MAP.  Did you know that MAP ranks in the top 3 of the nation as the hardest state standardized testing?  Yep, we do have high expectations for our students, which is awesome! However, do I think it is fair that we are expecting so much of our students while other states are not? NOPE!  If the federal government is going to dictate that each state has a test then it should be the same test for each state.  Just my opinion of course, but how can the states be compared fairly if one state sets the bar so high while another has their bar way lower?

Also, IEPs (Individual Education Plans).  We give these students extra help/modifications throughout the year.  MAP testing comes along and BOOM, new ballgame.  They get pulled out of the classroom, and get extra time, but we can't help them read.  They have been read to all year long.  We can pronounce one word per sentence.  Ummm, well we can do that for the other students taking the MAP.  These students are not on grade-level with reading.  Do we give them another grade-level for the reading portion?  NOPE!  They have to read their grade-level alone.  Where is that fairness?  Sorry, but I don't think that is fair. 

Do I think standardized testing will ever leave?  Nope!  It has been around for hundreds of years.  Do I think there needs to be a major overhaul?  HECK YA!  

I could go on and on, but I will spare you.  What do you think?

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