Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I feel Disney is consuming my life! HAHA, but that is a good thing! I have ordered to scrapbook kits to start making the boys' autograph books. I talked to Kaleb last night and the two things I "thought" he would want were not what he wanted! lol Kids.... I thought he would not want an autograph book made and would think it was for babies, umm WRONG! He wants one, which is fine. So, I have 3 to make. The second thing is I thought he would want a Pirates of the Carribean lanyard for his pins. NOPE, he wants a Mickey one. Even after I told him his younger cousin has a Pirates one. So, three Mickey lanyards it is.

Lanyards/pins are something we didn't do when I went to Disney as a kid. I must admit that I had no idea what my mom was talking about when she said something about them. So, after some research, I decided it was something my kiddos would enjoy. (No clue what I am talking about? Go here: )

I ordered 20 authentic trading pins off of ebay to get the kids started. I figure I will spread them out and make them pick one at a time until they are gone. I didn't get to pick the pins which is fine, it is 20 random pins. This is fine by me since the fun of it will be looking for ones they want to trade for throughout Disney. I think they will love it. The only one that will not be "into" it will be Kaden, but he might surprise us too! HAHA! I look for him to want Mickey ones.

My dad is even more psyched about and wrapped up in all things Disney than I am. He has wrote down all the hotels in Ocala and somewhere else for the night before Disney. He has also wrote down all the extended hours for while we are there. He has mapped out like 3 different routes. It is good for him, keeps him busy. We will be a caravan of 3 vehicles, should be fun. (Hope you get the sarcasm ;) ) Anyway, we are leaving at 3am and want to get to Ocala. That is about 40 min from Disney. My mom thinks we are crazy. She hasn't traveled with us! Justin drives...and we drive hard. We make minimal stops. We drove to California in 2 days when Karson was like 18 mos old. Kaden will be a few weeks shy of 2, so I am not concerned. On the way home that year we drove from California (left at 2:30a.m.) to Lyman, CO in one day. WE TRAVEL! I have no doubts we will make it to Ocala!

Anyway, I think you are going to be sick of Disney talk, but OH WELL! :)

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