Sunday, March 6, 2011

Guess I am not good at this! lol

So, I guess I really haven't kept up on blogging again! What's new?

I have been "dieting". I use that word loosely because it is really a lifestyle change. Eating better, eating right, portion control and regular exercise are all things that should be part of my lifestyle, NOT a "diet". I DO NOT plan on stopping any of these once I meet my goals. A. My weight would just climb back up B. They are all good for my overall health!

Kaden is sick with a bit of a cold. Poor kid! I hate it! He is fully potty trained which is AWESOME!

Karson is learning to read. HE loves to learn which is great. He is out fishing with his Daddy today. I LOVE that! Kaden and I would have went also if he wasn't under the weather. Karson loves fishing and is actually casting on his own and catching fish alone. Magnificent!

Kaleb got his ear pierced :-/ NOT happy about that. Just a way for his mom to "look cooler" than us. Whatev. He knows he can't wear it here. It will grow up over the summer ;)

Justin and I celebrated our 10th anniversary last week. Pretty awesome. I can't say that our marriage has been all sunshine and roses, but we have been faced with challenges and passed them I guess. There were a few times I would have liked to give up, but we didn't. Just kept trucking, kept forgiving and still going. Still probably not the PERFECT marriage, but I don't believe there is any such thing. Besides we hopefully have a lot more years to make it more perfect ;). Sometimes it is hard after having kids and you just have to make time for ALONE time. We have learned that this past year and it is really helping. :)

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