Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thankful Thursday

As usual, I am thankful for my family, our good health, and the love we share.  We have been very fortunate to have no major illnesses.  I know that could easily change, I hope it doesn't.

I am thankful that I have 6 days of school left!

I am thankful for the students that make me laugh each day!  I am also thankful I have students that compliment me and mean it! ;)  I did my hair a new way yesterday and wasn't sure about it.  The kids gave me so many compliments, remember they are middle schoolers they don't lie.  Love these kids.

I am thankful that I have a husband that works so hard and doesn't care if  get a job in August or not.  Yes, we both want me to work, but he will continue to work hard and we will be fine if I don't. 

I am thankful that Justin's motor did not blow up in his truck last week.  I am thankful that is was only a $250 fix.  I am thankful that we had the money to pay to get it fixed.  There were times early in our marriage when we wouldn't have had that money.  I am thankful that we have some awesome friends that loaned us one of their trucks for Justin to drive for the week his was out of commission.  I honestly believe this friend would give Justin or me for that matter the shirt off his back if we needed it.  We truly are thankful for that and hope some day to be able to repay the favor to them.

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