How can it be that in a little more than two months my sweet K3 is going to be turning 2? July 1st is his birthday. We have the party theme already decided, Mickey Mouse. If the theme were anything else it wouldn't be about K3. He is obsessed with all things mickey, or as he says "mii moooouse". He sleeps with a stuff mickey that my mom got him at Disney World last year. He also has two other stuffed mickeys in his bed. He loves mickey!
Anway, I cannot believe that my sweet little baby is not going to be a baby anymore. In the past few months he has changed so much.
1. He moved into K2's room. Mommy moved the crib all by herself. Yes, it sucked, I had to take it entirely apart. Yes, I did break a piece, luckily it was only a cosmetic piece.
2. Bye-bye binky! One day I was just going to see how long he could go without it. A few hours turned into a day and a day into dayS and days into weeks. We have been binky free for quite some time and I must say it is NICE! Which leads to number 3...
3. Talking! K3 has said words right on track for his age. However, since ditching the binky his vocabulary is exploding! I love it! Sometimes his words still aren't the clearest but that is from him adapting to not talking around a binky anymore. Some words include: mommy, daddy, bubba, Kaleb, dolly girl, moll (molly), scrappy, mac, ball, mouse, truck, 4wheeler, bike, mine, yeah, uh-uh, book, boat, horse, dog, cow, cookie, juice, cracker, milk, mouth, nose, eye, ear, head, hair, leg, arm, toe, outside, memaw, papa, papaw, nanaw, fish, deer, turkey, gun, and many many more that I cannot even think of now!
4. A major haircut! Or maybe I could call it a semi-scalping. When mommy was at school and the boys were with the babysitter, K2 cut K3's precious baby hair! I was so sad. The areas that K2 cut were pretty much to the scalp, a little more and it would have cut K3's skin. :( But, K3's hair is growing back and it is growing thicker goes on.
5. HE RUNS! Oh my does he run! I don't remember K2 running this much and this well at this age. K3 thinks he can keep up with the big kids and does a pretty convincing job proving it.
K3 is a sweet, rowdy, fun loving kiddo! He is an early riser. He wakes around 6:30 a.m. everyday. Sometimes he will sleep until 7:30, sometimes. He was going to bed at 7:00 until the dang time change! While I do love a longer day, I also loved 7:00 bedtime! We still try to do bathtime at 6:30 and all the other bedtime stuff that goes with it. We get in our jammies, read a book and snuggle a bit. I put them to bed around 7:30 now, sometimes they get into bed at 7:00 and I will let them watch a movie until 7:30ish then it is lights out. They are generally both asleep by 8:00, which is ok but 7:00 was better.
K3 still naps, he naps at 12:00 everyday and will usually sleep 2 hours, sometimes 3.
He eats basically everything that the rest of us eat. He loves fruit! He also loves avocados. He doesn't drink water as much as K2 does/did but we are getting there.
He is not scared of anything! K2 is aprehensive about a lot of things. He is also very cautious. Not K3. He is a dare-devil. Sometimes this is scary, I think he would jump off the couch if I let him. I am sure that we made K2 the way he is since he was our first baby together that we had fulltime. With K3 more things go that I would NEVER have let K2 do!
I do hate that I leave my sweet children with a babysitter everyday. It breaks my heart actually. I miss them. I am loving that my summer break is quickly approaching. I don't know what K3 will do next year when K2 goes to preschool. It will be sad I am sure because they are best friends. If I don't have a job he will at least have mommy, but still he will miss bubba.
Next post...will have to be about K1 and I guess K2 needs more than a K2isms post.