Yeah, I guess I will admit that I am not a great blogger. WHOOPS!
Kaleb didn't get to go to school here. He wanted to. Stayed committed to it all summer. His mom said he had to go there to discuss it and then could come back the next Sunday. The poor kid got there and she told him she wasn't discussing it and he wasn't going to school here. :( She is so selfish.
Karson has started preschool! OH MY! Can't believe that! He loves it! This is his 4th week. He is learning to play with others and lots of other things. He sings the "counting rock" song as he calls it. Knows left from right. He went to his first school buddy party the other day. It was at a bowling alley and he LOVED it! I just can't believe how big he is getting and how much he learns and wants to learn! He hasn't gotten in trouble at school at all yet. Very surprised there because Kaleb was in trouble most days! He missed 10 min of recess quite frequently.
Kaden, oh my, he is such a joy! So much fun! This age is incredibly fun and rewarding. He talks so much more. Sometimes he is hard to understand like Karson was, but I get it! I love when he hugs me, kisses me, and says "I yove you!" without being asked! He loves Bass Pro toys now too. Oh boy! We are buying duplicates because he thinks he needs his own. Yeah...too many bass pro toys. Why do we keep any of their other toys?
I have my BSED! I am doing a long term sub position until Oct 1. It has been a learning experience. I am in Com Arts in middle school. It is a 6 week maternity leave. I wish I had my own permanent classroom, but let's face it! Education is not the job market to enter right now!!! It is bad!!! So very bad. Education needs more funding! I know many areas need more funding, but education is like the basis of everything, from and educator's view point of course. But I stand by that statement. :)